Blog, Drinks, Inspirations
Hold on to your coffee cup for a moment and close your eyes. Now imagine yourself in a speak-easy-like coffee bar setting somewhere in downtown Tokyo. It’s gloomy except for some well-positioned lights above you. There’s barely any sound other than the quiet Jazz...
Blog, Drinks, Inspirations
First of all, I’m not a bartender and not a barista. But I’m a coffee & tea specialist that loves indulging into flavors and try-tasting different recipes. I like to immerse myself in various tasting experiences for my palate. I’m an epicurean who loves...
Blog, Drinks, Inspirations
If I’d known about Moon Milk with Ashwagandha 7.5 years ago, I might’ve not spent days or better nights sleepless. In the spring of 2016 my professional life changed. I got kicked out of my corporate job. I was looking into starting my own business for quite...
Blog, Drinks, Guides, Inspirations
I remember my first Nitro Cold Brew Coffee very well. It was at Ozone Coffee Roasters in London in June 2015. But what I remember even more vividly is my anticipation of this new coffee drink for me at the time. I had heard and read a lot about it. But in Germany at...
Blog, Drinks, Inspirations
This isn’t news to (coffee)friends of mine, I love Coffee Cocktails or Mocktails, i.e. without the booze. Whenever heading to a new coffee place, my first look is on the specials menu. Oftentimes cafés offer those signature beverages made with espresso, cold...
Blog, Drinks, Inspirations
Mel’s Coffee Travels is about coffee and traveling, mainly. Exploring different café and coffee cultures in foreign countries across the globe. Recently though, we’re all rather stuck at where we are and might only be able to visit other (coffee) cultures from the...